The Cadet Proficiency Badge Scheme was introduced to encourage our cadet members to further enhance their interest in subjects outside their normal curriculum and to widen their interests by carrying out these activities in their leisure time.
A wider range of activities is open for the members to choose from, depending on the individual's aptitude and inclination. The pursuit of badges encourages members to develop their personal skills and knowledge besides complementing the first aid, home nursing and drills training that members undergo during weekly parades/meetings. The activities in the badge scheme provide an all-rounded education for these future leaders of our organization.
Through the various proficiency badge subjects offered in the programme, St John aims to provide cadets different opportunities to acquire the necessary knowledge that will prepare them for higher education and careers beyond secondary school.
The CPBS framework is designed to integrate the 21st Century Skills into the badge curriculum, to prepare the cadets beyond their secondary education, and towards work ready, world ready.
At the centre of the framework lies a cadet at the receiving end in order to obtain the cadet proficiency badge. The second layer a show the various activities at different environment and the support receives is clearly defined at the third layer of the framework.
A wider range of activities is open for the members to choose from, depending on the individual's aptitude and inclination. The pursuit of badges encourages members to develop their personal skills and knowledge besides complementing the first aid, home nursing and drills training that members undergo during weekly parades/meetings. The activities in the badge scheme provide an all-rounded education for these future leaders of our organization.
Through the various proficiency badge subjects offered in the programme, St John aims to provide cadets different opportunities to acquire the necessary knowledge that will prepare them for higher education and careers beyond secondary school.
The proficiency badges are divided into 4 groups as follow:
Group I : Welfare and Service
Group II : Outdoor Activities
Group III : Skills and Hobbies
Group IV : General
Cadets may start working on these badges the moment they are enrolled as the members of St. John Brigade in the school as their Co-Curricular Activity (CCA). In addition to the weekly meetings, the cadets are encouraged to make personal progress by participating in additional courses, in order to aim to achieve the award badge and different levels.