About CPBS

An Introduction to Cadet Proficiency Badge Scheme

The Cadet Proficiency Badge Scheme was introduced to encourage our cadet members to further enhance their interest in subjects outside their normal curriculum and to widen their interests by carrying out these activities in their leisure time.

A wider range of activities is open for the members to choose from, depending on the individual's aptitude and inclination. The pursuit of badges encourages members to develop their personal skills and knowledge besides complementing the first aid, home nursing and footdrill that training members undergo during weekly parades/meetings. Hence, enhancing an all rounded education for these future leaders of our organisation.

The CPBS Framework

The CPBS framework is designed to integrate the 21st Century Skills into the badge curriculum, to prepare the cadets beyond their secondary education, and towards work ready, world ready.

At the centre of the framework lies a cadet at the receiving end in order to obtain the cadet proficiency badge. The second layer a show the various activities at different environment and the support receives is clearly defined at the third layer of the framework.

The Cadet Proficiency Badges Scheme

The Cadet Proficiency Badge Scheme (CPBS) is divided into 4 different groups and the badges in the various groups are as follows:

Group 1

Welfare & Service

1. Anti-Drug Abuse Course

2. Casualty Simulation

3. Citizenship

4. Civil Defence

5. Community Care

6. Crime Prevention

7. Energy Conservation

8. Environment Education

9. Heritage Badge

10. Nursing Care

11. Total Defence

12. Water Ambassador

Group 2

Outdoor Activities

1. Adventure Training Course

2. Archery

3. Camping & Campcraft

4. Cycling

5. Games

6. Hiking

7. Kayaking

8. Life Saving

9. Map Reading

10. Physical Fitness

11. Shooting

12. Swimming

Group 3

Skills and Hobbies

1. Artist

2. Basic Cardiac Life Support

3. CPR + AED

4. Collecting

7. Heart Saver

8. Homecraft

9. Leadership

10. Martial Arts

11. Musician

12. Photography

Group 4


1. Accident Prevention

2. Administration

3. Community Song

4. Cookery & Nutrition

5. Drill Knowledge

6. Handyman

7. Information Technology

8. Knowledge of the Order of St John

9. Languages

10. Pet Care

11. St John Worldwide

12. Kindness Badge

Our Achievement Badges

Our Achievement Badges and Special Badge consist of the following and the criteria are as follows:


- Qualifying Level: Secondary Three (March)

- Attained Deputy Chief Commissioner's Badge

- To obtain 12 badges from the following:

- Knowledge of the Order of St John (KSJ/408) – Compulsory Badge

- Total Defence Proficiency badge – Compulsory Badge

- Community Care Badge - Compulsory Badge (from January 2019)

- At least 2 badges from Group 1 (excluding Total Defence and Community Care)

- At least 2 badges from Group 2

- At least 2 badges from Group 3

- At least 2 badges from Group 4 (excluding Knowledge of the Order of St John)

The cadet upon achieving the Chief Commissioner's Badge, will also be awarded the Level 5 CCA points under the LEAPS 2.0 CCA points system by the school.


- To qualify for the Deputy Chief Commissioner’s Badge, the cadet must fulfill the following requirements:

1. Qualifying Level: Secondary Three

2. Attained Commissioner's Badge

3. Total Defence Gold Certificate

4. To obtain 9 proficiency badges in total (including Knowledge of the Order of St John)

The cadet upon achieving the Deputy Chief Commissioner's Badge, will also be awarded the Level 4 CCA points under the LEAPS 2.0 CCA points system by the school.


- Qualifying Level: Secondary Two (June)

- Attained Superintendent's Badge (for LEAPS 2.0 students only)

- To attain Total Defence Silver Certificate

- To obtain 6 badges from the following:

- Knowledge of the Order of St John – Compulsory badge

- At least one badge from Group 1

- At least one badge from Group 2

- At least one badge from Group 3

- At least one badge from Group 4 (excluding Knowledge of the Order of St John)

The cadet upon achieving the Commissioner's Badge, will also be awarded the Level 3 CCA points under the LEAPS 2.0 CCA points system by the school.


- To qualify for the Superintendent Badge, the cadet must fulfill the following requirements:

1. Qualifying Level: Secondary Two

2. Total Defence Silver Certificate

3. Obtain any 4 proficiency badges (including Heart Saver)

The cadet upon achieving the Superintendent's Badge, will also be awarded the Level 2 CCA points under the LEAPS 2.0 CCA points system by the school.

To attain Level 1 CCA points under the LEAPS 2.0 points system, the cadet is required to achieve the Heart Saver proficiency badge.

Special Badge


The cadet must participate in any of the following events:

  1. National Day Parade (NDP)

  2. Singapore Youth Festival (SYF)

  3. National Camp organised by MOE or SJAB HQ

  4. National First Aid Competition

  5. Any SJAB events organised at HQ level and approved by the Chief Commissioner in writing.

  6. Represented Singapore-SJAB in regional or international first aid competitions, subject to prior approval from the Chief Commissioner.

Points to Note:

1. Participants in NDP / SYF related event must be represented only in the marching contingent and have attained 80% attendance and have marched on the actual day of the parade, in order to qualify for the badge

2. Participants in the National First Aid Competition must be a competitor or reserved member of a team, in order to qualify for the badge. Stewards are not entitled to this badge.